How Belize's REDD+ SIS works

Information provided in Belize's REDD+ SIS undergoes a cross-sectoral quality control before it gets published, involving different entities politically and technically responsible for REDD+ implementation and the Safeguards Advisory Committee.

SIS organization

The SIS Secretariat is in charge of the functioning of the SIS and serves as the link between the SIS Board, the Safeguards Advisory Committee and the SIS Host. The SIS Secretariat is also responsible for gathering information from the selected SIS Information Providers and for preparing any reports, updates, and communication related to the SIS reporting activities.

The SIS Board is an intersectoral board integrated by the main entities politically and technically responsible for the National REDD+ Strategy implementation, and is responsible for the general overall guidance of the SIS.

In order to obtain the necessary information for reporting the Cancun Safeguards, a number of SIS Information Providers have been identified. These Information Providers facilitate the data regarding the selected Compliance Indicators identified in the country’s REDD+ Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) according to the requirements previously established in relation to factors such as the content and periodicity, among others.

The role of the Safeguards Advisory Committee is to strengthen the transparency and confidence of the entire SIS and REDD+ programme performance by allowing the intervention of various stakeholders with monitoring and advisory capacities. To do so, the Safeguards Advisory Committee is made up of representatives from different key sectors, including indigenous peoples and local communities, the private sector, academia, and NGOs. The Committee helps to ensure the quality of the information included in the draft of the SIS Report prior to being published, and also provides an opportunity to express the opinions of the different non-governmental actors regarding the implementation of the REDD+ safeguards. (Read more)

Finally, the SIS Host is the entity in charge of hosting and operating the SIS web platform, which includes ensuring the proper performance of the website and that it includes the updates entrusted by the SIS Secretariat.

SIS members and roles

To consult the current members and sectors represented in the different roles of the SIS mentioned above, please download the directory here:
