REDD+ in Belize

REDD+ is a mechanism under the UNFCCC to provide incentives for countries to reduce forest-related GHG emissions and guide the sustainable management of forests and the conservation and enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Through the REDD+ framework, developing countries are financially rewarded for reducing their emissions or increasing removals of CO2 from the atmosphere through improved land-use practices in forests. A country's REDD+ programme encapsulates its efforts to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation while fostering conservation and sustainable forest management and ensuring transparency, accountability and the sharing of benefits.




Emissions from


Deforestation and forest




Forest Conservation
Sustainable Forest
Managment and
Carbon Stock Enhancement
PHASE 1: readiness
Countries design national strategies and action plans with stakeholders, build REDD+ capacity, work on necessary policies and measures and design pilot activities.
PHASE 2: implementation
National strategies and action plans are tested. Pilot activities may reveal further need for capacity building, technology development and transfer.
PHASE 3: Results-based actions
Results-based actions are implemented at the national level, and results are fully measured, reported and verified.

The development and implementation of a REDD+ programme consists of three phases:

Readiness, which involves the design of four elements: a national strategy, a national forest reference emission level and/or forest reference level, a robust and transparent national forest monitoring system, and a system for providing feedback on how the safeguards are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of the REDD+ programme;

Implementation, the phase during which countries pilot, test and refine the four elements of the readiness phase;

Results-based actions, the phase in which the National REDD+ Strategy gets fully implemented at national level with measurement, reporting and verification of emissions reductions.

Why have a SIS in place?

In 2010, the member countries to the UNFCCC agreed to a package of measures structuring the elements of the REDD+ mechanism. Within the so called “Cancun Agreements” it was established that all countries interested in accessing REDD+ results-based payments under the UNFCCC must undergo the Readiness Phase (Phase 1 above) in which at least the following four REDD+ elements need to be developed:

  1. A National REDD+ Strategy;
  2. A Forest Reference Level/Forest Reference Emission Level (FRL/FREL);
  3. A National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS); and
  4. A Safeguards Information System (SIS).

This website presents Belize’s fourth REDD+ element, that is, Belize's Safeguards Information System. A SIS has been defined as “a system for providing information on how the safeguards ... are being addressed and respected throughout the implementation of ...[REDD+] activities” (UNFCCC 2011, FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1, paragraph 71 d).

It is worth mentioning that, apart from being a UNFCCC requirement, Belize also intends for its SIS to be a method for strengthening its right-based approach to REDD+, the management of potential environmental and social risks, and to present its efforts in the forestry sector to all Belizean citizens and the international community in a transparent manner.